Alright, I’m behind.

BIG surprise right?


Fuck you, I’m still waiting on Runion xP.


In the meantime though, I suppose I could tell some side stories I don’t even have video or pictures of, right?


Well, while I was at work tonight I was reminiscing on the amazing time I had at PAX this year, and then I was thinking about how awesome it was when I was riding back up in the elevator to drop some things off in my room. I’m standing there with this group of 4 others, when suddenly one of them says “Halo”. The way he said it sent chills through me, literally lol. I look up to see Pete Stacker standing in the elevator with me. I only got to talk to him for maybe 15 seconds before he was getting out on his floor, but it was pretty cool.


Well, that got me thinking about the Halo universe panel where they had a huge amount of voice actors from Halo, and how open the actors were for talking to people afterwords. Then I realized, I probably could have got some sort of DMH promo or at least a voiceover for an intro for the top tens >.< BAH!


Well, I have lots more stories, but I’m on a tight schedule currently. I just had to get that thought off my chest and give a little update to let you all know I’m not just putting this off, I’m simply waiting on xeno lol.


❤ H3YD

4 Responses to “Alright, I’m behind.”

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